
Thursday, September 17, 2009


Hey I found out a great way to deal with gang influences on this great website
that talks about how many teens getting into gangs or getting jumped by gang members in there streets. I think that many gang members are just in the gangs cause they think it makes them cool. But other people dont think its cool when they get their neighborhood spray painted. Do u think getting in a gang is cool? Some kids get addicted to drugs cause some kid in a gang sold him drugs!! A lot of gang members do drugs cause they think it makes them look cool.

Friday, September 4, 2009

drug addictions

As part of team 3, i am excited to be blogging this year on the topic of co-existence. Hello do you ever wonder if you can help some one that has a drug problem? Well if you've tried to help someone that does drugs its very hard for them to stop using drugs cause they get addicting after a while of being used. Any one that has a drug problem knows that they cant stop using them so they do any thing for drugs.